What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

A series of 6 original stories in verse, supplemented with scenes and monologues.

“Oh, once there was a bard, though long now is he gone.
His praises worthy still of brightest song.
He, the mirror up to nature did hold –
And we ourselves, do see in full, unfold.
Reveals he to us the lordly and lowly.
Now, let us dwell upon the foolish, solely.”

Rickie Birran

– The Tempest
– MacBeth
– King Lear
– Hamlet
– Richard III & Falstaff, from Richard III, Henry IV Parts 1 & 2, Merry Wives of Winsor
– Romeo & Juliet/A Midsummer Night’s Dream

(Note: All selections are performed from memory, not read from a book.)

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